A Sustainable Home

What do you think of when someone says sustainability? Sustainability actually means meeting your current needs without having a negative impact on the needs of future generations. Here at Hollins Homes we take sustainability seriously; we install energy efficient lighting, high levels of loft and wall insulation and build to exemplar air leakage standards.

Sustainability can also mean you can save money and protect the environment at the same time. From recycling our waste to reducing our energy consumption, small changes can have a big impact.

Eco-friendly cleaning products are kinder to the environment and our health. You can also save money by crafting your own home-made cleaning products such as lemons or white wine vinegar for anti-bacterial cleaning or bicarbonate of soda for deodorising.

House plants are a wonderful aesthetic addition to any home but another benefit are the air purifying qualities. Upholstery, paint, carpets and technology all pollute the air in the home. Spider plants, rubber plants and Aloe vera plants are natural air filters and can help to improve the humidity in the room.

Don’t forget the outside space, having a brand-new garden is a wonderful excuse to start from scratch and create an eco-friendly garden. Use natural materials as far as possible and plant hedges along the boundaries helping to create shelter and food for wildlife. A small water feature can create a calming, tranquil effect, can purify the air and be a water source for the local wildlife. Bee houses & log piles all encourage insects into the garden which in turn help to pollinate the plants and flowers. Don’t forget to plant flowers that encourage wildlife (the RHS has a comprehensive list on its website). Water butts and outdoor composters are an easy way to become greener and they reduce waste and save money at the same time.